Let me begin by wishing a happy Father’s Day to all the men. A father isn’t only the biological one, but very often all-male figureheads in our lives.
It’s good to be called a father, but the level of implication and involvement in people’s lives determines one’s ability to be called ‘Dad.’ So fathers, the questions to ask yourselves today are:
How involved am I in my child(ren)’s lives?
Am I emotionally present for them?
Am I financially present?
Am I physically present?
Am I spiritually present?
As fathers, you are called to lead the family. Lead your children and families in the right direction.
I can’t conclude without expressing my thoughts to future fathers.
To all the young men and aspiring fathers, let me ask you a few questions:
How are you living your lives?
Are you living life just as it comes?
Are you living life with the hopes of influencing future generations?
I would like you to ask yourselves these questions:
If I had a child today, would my child be proud of the life I live?
How would my choice of lifestyle influence my child?
As you reflect on these questions, may this day cause you to think differently about your future.
Therefore, go forth and shine your light brighter than before. Your future needs to be better than your past and present.
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Merci bien!